Reception Newsletters and Letters

Tapestry Learning Journals

We record our children’s activities on a system called Tapestry. This is a web based system which allows parents and carers to see what their children have been doing in school. In the spring term you will be given log in details to allow you to access your child’s account. You will be able to see photographs, videos and descriptions of your child’s learning. It also allows you to make comments and add photographs from home.

Reading and Phonics

Reading with your child        –         Teaching your child phonics

Bug Club

There are lots of e-books on Bug Club which are geared to your child’s reading level.  Your child can access this on a tablet or computer that has internet access.  The URL is:-  Each pupil will be given a user name, password and the school code.  If  you cannot find these, please contact us and we will be happy to supply you with your child’s log in details.

Our Classes


Our teacher is Miss Whittle


Our teacher is Miss White