PE Premium/Grant Funding

At Rosecroft Primary School we believe physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment is a unique and vital contributor to a pupil’s physical development and well-being, Rosecroft pupils will be provided with opportunities and encouraged in the development of positive attitudes and personal qualities such as self-esteem, independence, empathy, tolerance and respect. They will be supported to gain confidence and ability as they play, practice and perform skills and activities.

Rosecroft Primary School is committed to using the P.E and Sports Premium Funding to enhance and progress the good quality teaching already provided by a specialised teacher and the other members of the teaching and support staff. The school will also use it to increase and inspire the opportunities for children to be fit, active and gain a passion for sport.

The school also believes that encouraging a love and respect for physical activity for life does not just stop at the boundaries of the classroom. Therefore, we are providing more opportunities for focussed play at break and lunchtimes with new resources, areas to play and time set aside for staff training.

One of our teacher’s has completed a National Award for PE Subject Leaders to ensure the school is providing the best Physical Education it possibly can and other staff members are being given training opportunities too.

Premier sports are now regular visitors to our school providing many physical education activities. They have run numerous after school clubs this year including street dance, gymnastics, football and multi skills.

PE and sport premium 2023-2024 with impacts

RPS PE and sport premium 2023-2024

Sports Premium Spetember 2023